Constitution Day Memories

While most of the so-called civilised world celebrate their national days showing off their superior weapons and military materials, Kingdom of Norway celebrates their national day in a unique way with children of the country as the centrepiece. School children walk in processions through the towns, accompanied by brass bands, and in the afternoon, many hobby groups, sport clubs and city officials do the same in a similar fashion, but now it’s called the “people’s procession”. It’s a day of celebration and the “opening” of warm summer activities after a long, cold and dark winter. Here are some of my random shots from this year’s “people procession” through the streets of Trondheim. 

Two long threads with more images and greetings on CaptainsVoyage Forum:

Norwegian National Day in Trondheim - May 17th 2011

Happy Norwegian Constitution Day on May 17th to all Norwegians! 

The start of the People’s Procession is always like this, every year. 

A veteran firefighter - one of the city’s unsung hero’s. 

A veteran firefighter and a veteran fire truck. 

Mayor of Trondheim City: Rita Ottervik. 

Royal Norwegian Air Force brass band. 

War veterans of Trondheim. 

Local character of Trondheim police. 

If I should sign up for a club in 2015, it would be the Gentlmen’s moustache club. 

Darth Vader. 

Star Wars invades Trondheim. 

Chinese dragon representing a Tae Kwondo-club (I think it was).

Musical nurses. 

Thai Buddhist Society of Trondheim. 

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